Sichere dir deinen glanzvollen Auftritt!
Nach einer sehr aufregenden ersten Welle ist es nun an der Zeit, wieder Gold zu gewinnen! Bist du bereit für Runde 2 der Golden Days 2024?
Trage es in deinen Kalender ein und halte dir die Zeit frei für die unglaublichen Deals mit bis zu 50% Rabatt auf ausgewählte Produkte.
Promotion details
1.) Sign up as a Nu Skin VIP Customer for free before the promotion starts
2.) The promotion starts on Tuesday, August 6th, from 10:00 am CET to Thursday, August 8th, until 11:59 pm CET
3.) Get up to 50% off on selected promotional products
4.) Free shipping on applicable orders
5.) Available only in all participating countries at
TIP: The rush on the promotion days will be enormous! If possible, log on directly to on Tuesday, August 6th, at 10:00 a.m. CET. Don't miss out on the exclusive deals - be quick!
Nu Skin's Golden Days promotion is subject to terms and conditions. Products shown may not be available for sale in all markets.

Become a Nu Skin VIP Customer
Get up to 50% off on all Golden Days promotional products!
Sign up now for free in just a few simple steps. As a Nu Skin VIP Customer, you can save up to 30% off on all products at any time. Enjoy your favs at the best price!